Saturday, May 17, 2008

some updates

The rental contract was due 2 days ago. Have been bargaining with landlord since last month, his new offer was an increment of $500 per month. We are so sad to hear that. He said the agents been calling him whether to look for new tenants. But he prefers to give the priority back to us whether to extend or not. We knew the market rate has been madly accountable like that and we can only try to bargain and hopefully landlord can be more “kind-hearted”. Instead of going round and around for new place, we continue to stay here with a raise of $400 per month. Uh~ so pain-hearted!

We can get angry over the greediness of people, we can feel the unfair justification of price rate, we can complaint everything under the roof, but what can we do in the end? We still have to bear with the trend of market. If you don’t want, there are other people who want it. That’s the real world. Everything $$ first.

I was promoted when I back to work after my ROM. You may quote it 双喜临门, but I don’t feel happy at all. When you are one level up, you suppose to have assistances downstream right? But it doesn’t happen here. Last time is one Mgr up and one Egr down, now the only Egr become asst Mgr, still the 2 person in the department, does it make any differences?

From what I see, they just use this trick in order to persuade someone to stay back with the company. Not only loaded, but over-loaded. 20 projects! I heard from a long services colleague that company never reach such a PEAK like right now. Nobody can cope with the existing works now, when being pushed and pressurized, there comes frustration, emotionally imbalance and the working atmosphere is terribly tensioned! We are not man-power ready to handle so many projects at same time! The inadequacy capability of the company… so disappointed.

Mostly I need to attend meeting everyday. After few hours spending on the journey and meeting, still need to spend more times on replying the emails and paperwork. The work keeps piling up like snowballs, so scary!! It is not easy to sit down in the meeting room facing with whoever project directors lah, project managers lah.. bla bla.. everyone is acting bossy and giving instruction, since they are the authority. For me, I’m just like watching a show, see how those upstream personnel expressing their power in chasing progresss, TALKING ONLY. Some ppl just like to comment and comment, so what if u are holding those titles. 装腔作势.

Met some real gentleman in main-con, some very nasty with words, some 笑里藏刀的奸人, some trying to bully me when I’m always the only lady in most of the site meeting, but sorry loh.. you mean to me, I will mean to you in return of courtesy one loh. Real difficult for me to stand on alone out there and I gotta act tough!!

Take a break first.


kitchi said...


Anonymous said...

見面時﹐必向你討教"職場生存必殺技之第一式 - 笑面虎"

freedom100cc said...





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