Thursday, August 30, 2007

4 yrs of sacrifice or hardwork?

I started off with the current company after my graduation from NTU. It is still remained questionable and un-answerable to myself why I was still coping with this company. The construction market was unbearably bad and I actually went through 8 interviews before I clinched this first job.

AL was the first lady interviewer I met and the interviewing process was short and clear cut. Frankly, I couldn’t stand the working environment after my first report day. The work is tough, the environment is dusty and hazard and the weather is HOT. I remember I had a very hard time during my 3-mth stayed in Tampines Plant till that day this take-grudges-in-heart manager kick me off to Tuas Plant. It’s all becos I did not able to show myself in the office immediately when he paged for me. When he asked why I didn’t come, I jus told him in cold face “I’m not Fast-food-centre” (actually I was doing my inspection in the yard). I was being informed to transfer to Tuas Plant few days later with immediate effect. I still can remember vividly that I pack my bags, helmet, safety shoes and took the MRT all the way from tampines to tuas, with tears. TAMADE..

Life didn’t turn better even though I was not under that bxxxxxd manager. The office was terribly dirty! Yucksss ~ I rather went to the washroom at the canteen everyday!! I survived myself in that miserable office for a month till I transferred to another Plant at Tuas Bay.

2004, all plants were shifted to Tuas Bay that everyone works under one roof. My world became hell again when this bxxxxxd manager joined. He was trying all his means to wash me off. With a little kind of 正气&骨气, I hang on my days regardless the barking-still manager. AL had a talk with me and eventually I was transferred into drafting/planning department. OH YEAH.. Go to hell lah production department!!

I worked as QS mainly preparing tender quotation to AL. I worked with my own and I felt warmth in this all-phillipino drafting team. This was a great chance for myself to show my capability and trustworthy.

For the past few years, I see old colleagues left and new colleagues joined. Till 2006, local grad engineer only left me alone and so unlucky that I had a hospitalisation leave of 2 mths. Afraid that the only-survive engineer will run away, they try their way to increase my pay, my scope of work.. etc. Now the take-grudges-in-heart manager never ever would shout at me. Well.. I can forgive you, but I will never forget what you have done to me lo !

I will have my 4th anniversary with this company 2 mths later. Yuckss !!

We had a company dinner last Saturday and there’s a long-service-award..

And I got my watch. (Presented by Big boss’s wife)

Argh.. wat a long & bored story.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


好像是从两个月前, 水痘在公司里开始传
工人一个传一个, 宿舍还特别开了个 “隔离” 房间
直到上个星期, 一个孟加拉工人忽然就这样离开了
隔天来到公司, 听在这个消息时, 震惊.
他只有25岁, 申诉很不舒服到离开, 只有短短的10分钟
连ambulance 都还没到

坐我后面的stay-in Pillippino同事也中了
老板开始紧张, 叫大家吃多点蔬果, 增加抵抗力
加上工人的不幸.. 不怕都变怕啦~~

还有人说水痘会出两次!!!!!! $^@#$ !!!
不要lei !!!!

选择, 是自己的

昨晚被那小女人这么一说, 有种被kok脑袋的感觉.. (点醒了一下!)

或许/也许, 应该说我是幸运多一点.. 因为幸福的定义里.. 并不能用买 “屋子有多少津贴” 来构成.

因为他的缘故, 我至少还能享有直接向政府选购屋子的权利, 能够获得政府的贷款, 津贴等等等....

近两年, 条例放宽, 申请成为永久居民容易很多. 下来, 为了让更多永久居民转为公民, 差距很大很大的津贴, 回扣, 一直用数据明明确确的摆出来.

都是永久居民的我们, 多少已经在这里安定下来, 又有多少为了获得津贴而转成公民了? 如果有得选择.. 家, 不管在哪个地方.. 都是最温暖的窝.

公民权的考量, 越来越利益化.

Monday, August 27, 2007


HDB在八月份推出的组屋选购(Bi-monthly Balloting Exercise), 单位只有354间, 可是申请人数竟然超过10,000!! 真的有那么多人要买新单位吗??????

虽然多数单位都已经建好或完工中, 但地点的选择有限, 且单位多数在底楼, 所以放弃申请. 当我知道申请人数爆万后, 才恍然大悟.. 或大胆假设.. 许多人利用政府刚发布的申请条例来故意制造下一个抽签的机会?

新加坡政府刚宣布好消息, 对于第一次申请者, 如果在过去的抽签申请失败了4次或以上, 就会在原来的2次机会上再优待1到2次的机会... 难怪.. 聪明的人, 用这次抽签.. 增加自己手上的筹码... 我怎么没有想到?!??!

要向HDB买屋, 并不是有钱就可以买.. 反而是靠运气. (无奈)
要买建好的.. 申请人数远远超乎想象
要买BTO (build to order)的.. 起码要等4~6年才会那钥匙
要买公开市场的.. 喊价比估价高的离谱.. (有病!!!)
再多的钱, 我也不想白给!!

ERP (Electronic Road Pricing)又要增加几个了, 而且收费是从6pm~10pm. 为了提醒大家拥车的消费, 为了控制车流量, 为了减低购车的欲望, 就从现有的车主下手, 是这样的REASON吗?

和他谈论起这些课题.. 最后变成了争论.

我说为什么我辛苦赚来的钱, 大部分要花在房子上? 用几十年的时间去供那小小的组屋, 值得吗? 钱要花很多勒.. 还有其他一堆收费…
他说这里很安全, 治安好, 费用就是用来建设更好的国家.. 你不觉得你那里很危险吗?

我听到的.. 是这里的国民教育.. 这么爱国哦!!

其实.. 我想表达的是.. 结婚, 手上的筹码到底要多少啊?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm not OK

男人, 吝予说对不起?
女人, 贪予听对不起?

抱歉, 难道不是说了让对方心里舒服一点吗?

女人生气了, 男人是否应该先say sorry, instead of thinking who’s at fault?

Sorry, 应该是当下说的吧?


除了流泪.. 不知道还可以做什么

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

took a tour at award winning building

Would you like to have your home overseeing the

City view?

Habour view?

or Mount Faber view?

Guess what's this award winning building??
hmmm... can't?

alrite.. this the the international architectural award winning HDB flat
The Pinnacle @ Duxton Plain - HDB’s first 50-storey integrated housing development comprising special features such as skybridges and sky gardens at the 26th and 50th storeys. Pinnacle is located centrally along Cantonment Road [Tanjong Pagar] and in close proximity to the Central Business District.

I went there for a meeting and got chance to take a site tour. All 7 blocks are at their 26th floor, in the progress of doing construction joints for the connection of skybridges. The skybridges are steel prefabricated and only be installed till the completion of 50 storeys. The site engineer took me to 25th floor and have the exclusive view from the units. though... the unit floor area is extremely small!!! I think it's only the space in my Jb home's living+dining room+ 1 room space.. Maybe that's the trend in Sg, Pay to get the Style of Life.

Anywhere, no chance to stay in Duxton, at least a chance to take photo from the unit using the city as my background.. ^_^V ... neh neh neh ~~

Friday, August 10, 2007

A spectacular holiday

9th August 2007
Singapore public holiday as she is celebrating her 42th birthday

12.00 noon - We had our brunch at The legent @ fort canning. Visited the historic site and monuments by British

2.30 pm - Walk across to the open house of National Musuem of Singapore. Crowded.. didn't go into the individual exhibition hall but happen to see the "A banquet in Stone".. displaying the sumptuous feast of delicacies that actually made up by rare stones! Impressive

6.30pm - The giant S'pore flag heading to the Marina Bay, Chinook took their journey through my door step !!! Cool ~~

8.10pm - We were at Suntec City Tower waiting for fireworks !! that's my brother's office and I think I will never have chance to work in such building overseeing the such a breathtaking scene just in front of my work desk ~~

He Is The One

For the past 6 yrs we never think of celebrating the anniversary
But this year.. I brought him to The Legend @ Fort Canning to have brunch
Main reason is I have long wanted to go there
The buffet has lots of variety and I can only try a small portion for every dish I could
No choice.. small tummy to fill the food.. not worth for a buffet price. **Emm**
The food is nice with western, oriental, sushi, Indian roti prata and chocolate fondue, French pastries as desserts

Thank you for the fruitful years and the endless love you have given
I think we learnt more from each other through the argumentsSSsss
Hearts were hurt but it shown that we can always went through
And became how we are today, destiny to be together

Last year I gave you a shock by getting an accident in workplace
This year you have me a surprise with an unexpected proposal
Next year…
We shall give both of us an eternity vow and a happy ending to those who blessed us?

You don’t spend much on yourself
But you always spend the best on me whenever you could
I don’t request for best
Money should be saved and spend on our HOME

Let’s hold our hands tightly for the days ahead
Regardless the road is up or down……

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Yahoo! Photo is closing

Anyone done the transfer of photo? How is it?

flickr should be the best option to transfer right?

Friday, August 3, 2007


。星期六, 远赴Changi Airport, 圆一场诚意之约. 就四个人去接林小姐啊.. 搞不懂其他人.. 说好了又不去. 原来在机场吃东西, boarding pass有回扣. 我们发现机场就和其他商场一样.. restaurant也都是full house的.. 奇怪. 也好, 就只有我们5人.. 时间还早, 就去游车河.. 从Changi 游经ECP.. 刚好看到NDP @ Marina Bay的彩排 (外地的朋友, NDP=Singapore National Day Parade), 舞台灯光很耀眼, 空中漂着很多黄色的水母 (请不要以为那是孔明灯).. 最后游到花柏山, 还是第一次到Mount Faber.. (Eric.. 是不是常带SM来?). 奇怪.. 好好的机场不拍..就偏到这山顶来张合照. 夜景很美哦.. 在Jewel Box里头小酌一杯, 气氛很幽静, 往外看可看见七彩缆车来回空中.. 改天在去吃喝吧!! 再把林小姐送回机场时.. 已经是10点半了.. Bye ~~ 欣怡, Good Luck and all the best for your job hunting .. 一定要加油哦!!

。最近常做一些特别的梦.. Can you imagine transformers holding the magic wand flying around chasing something? Oh my goodness ~ isn’t it terrible?? 魔棒还会射出闪光哦!! 你们说是因为我太stress, 没有啊.. 最近的工作很清闲啊.. 看来是我的睡眠不好.. 做着这些奇怪的梦.. 就象是灵感般, 思如泉涌.. 可是我又不是作家.. 困扰多多..

喜喜。恭喜JL. 未来老公献上了这么一个劳师动众, 盛大的求婚记.. 真的佩服男人的计划.. 虽然是在众人面前say yes, but you sure feel整个世界仿佛只有你们两人吧? 要我忽然在那么多人面前.. 我肯定吓呆.... Videocam-ed somemore.. 一个男人那么尽心尽力策划这么重要的日子.. 应该没什么再挑剔的了, 祝你们幸福!!!! 回想那一天的Sentosa, 感觉少了强烈, 但画面依然清晰.. 我会好好珍惜.. 因为当时的回忆.. 只属于我们.

。最近工作真的很闲, 一个小时的工.. 我开始慢慢的拖.. 用两小时来完成. 感觉时间过的超慢.. 小午5点半就想跳上巴士, 和Admin 小姐一起放工.. 每天好象失去目标一样, 上班下班回家. 很瞎, 很晃, 很空.

下次再update吧.. 这是最近的事... .. .. .

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