Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Eve

Today is the New Year eve.

I don’t have any celebration plan for tonight as I’m going for the company annual dinner at Yatch Club tonight. Feel very very reluctant to spend the day with the fellow colleagues, I would prefer to spend the day with good frds and family. So.. I plan to cabut from the dinner around 9pm plus.. let’s see.

Today is another normal working day and we are expecting to get our pay + bonus (if any) today. Everyone is eager to know how’s the rewards like.. always the time for the employees to desire for bonus but expression always turn sour when the figure finally revealed. “Economic is good” always feedback by the government but it doesn’t seems to apply to every business. When time for year-end speech, things like “don’t expect too much as the business profit is not high”.. whether high or not, only the speaker knows himself.

There’s nothing for me to conclude for my year 2007 but at least with the existence of this blog since Jan 07, can always refer back to the events and things I had experienced and encountered. Nothing had change much compared to myself with 365 days ago. In fact I have given a commitment for myself and him which will go along with the coming years ahead.

I had experienced the actual hot bidding of rental flat when searching for an accommodation. After all we are not belong to this nation and that’s a fact which I had to learnt, the competency and the reality.

Apart from the busy work load, I had an opportunity given to spend some days in Batam, Phuket, Cambodia, Taiwan and a few outings with the old friends. The frame of mind will tend to change when new sights came into the vision.

I may say there’s still a lot of things not done, and I know lazy is not the excuse! Eem mm.. I said I wan to change the job but I didn’t, I wan to lose some weight but I didn’t, I wan to save more but I spend more instead.. ha.. too much .. and I didn’t complete the Taiwan travel blog till now..

无论过去如何, 得继续更积极的过日子. 2008对我来说, 有着一个最重要的计划, 这将是我人生的一个转变, 希望可以和他顺利的实现.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

鲁豫有约 - 我是张非


"你叫张非嘛, 非常的非."

"不是非常的非, 是是非的非."

我想伶俐的鲁豫也被这人弄得啼笑皆非吧. 北大清华是多少中国学生向往的顶尖学府, 他却三进北大清华, 故事绝对精彩. 与大家分享.

鲁豫有约 后高考时代 我是张非

知名网站找不到.. 可以到这里看录影
1) BBsee - 画面比较清
2) Youku 优酷网

New Year Eve Party 07/08

New Year's Eve Party 2007 (NYE Party 2007)
Check out the website for more events

Usher in the new year with the light-up of Marina Bay and fireworks against Singapore's city skyline on 31 December.Admission is Free.

Usher in 2008 with the Ultimate Fireworks Extravaganza! For the third year in running, this highly successful Sky Symphony Countdown gets better each year! The highly anticipated choreographed pyro-display will kick off with pyrotechnics emitting from cable cars and climax with a jaw-stopping fireworks show set against one the World's Tallest Artificial Christmas trees at The Jewel Box. So Celebrate the brand new year at The Jewel Box on this NYE for a night you'll never forget!

Main Highlight:Catch the Musical Light Show & 'Snow' Show and bring in 2008 with a magnificent fireworks display together with your favourite Yes 933 and Class 95 DJs at the Magical Kingdom.

Have a wonderful year ahead ~!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 !!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas ~

Today is the christmas eve..

1) I had completed the OHSAS 18001 Audit with Auditor (ok.. not much problem)

2) I had the christmas lunch in office (the buffet so so lo..)

3) target to knock off at 5.30pm (look at the msn online list, think everyone on leave or half day)

4) just got my ring being cleaned at jewellery boutique.. and it's shiny and bling bling now.. macam brand new

5) considering of upgrading to Destinee tonight.. let's see.. (diamond season and promotion now..)

Everyone out there


Monday, December 17, 2007

contented weekend

Days before the outing

I think I woke up with half-sleep conscious this morning, the brain is not working too well. I walked into the office as if there were tons of iron balls locking on my foot. I’m really over-tired over the weekends.

I got so much intention to get MC for last Friday before I could fall asleep the previous nite. My whole arms, neck area and face were sun-burned so badly that the skin was firing! I look at my reddish arms and think back why such things always happen? There the construction site got another Stop Work Order and I had a serious sun burn under the sun for 3hrs right in the middle of afternoon.

I was instructed to go down to the Authority for debriefing, who knows end up to be like questioning session. We are not criminals or what right? Why such kind of action-action attitudes? Lots of rectification prepare work need to be done, so relief that this ball is not thrown to me!! There only I got chance to go for my weekend outing.. phew ~

12-buddies weekend

Weekend outing at Pengerang (边佳兰) for the sumptuous seafood lunch then followed by a night stay at Teluk Ramunia (应该是六湾岛). 3 cars with total 12 old buddies with regular attendants and rare attendants (special guest is freedom100cc). So grateful that we have the sunny weather all the way. Another pop-out suggestion by Veerla was a place called 天涯海角that near Desaru. We finally found the place after a 20 mins walk on muddy road along the golf course & bushes. According to them, this place was so remote and undiscovered with superb scenery of ocean and beach, popular to some wedding photo taking.

The friendship that I cherish...

Then we head to the resort, one thing touch my heart is that the resort we stayed was the place we went 11 years ago. Everything looks so familiar without drastic change. Self made BBQ and never-ending chit chat with the waves as music beside. I’m really impressed some of the gang chatted till early 5am.. WAOHH ~~ sorry, I miss it ~

I jus can't stop laughing while browsing thru the photos.. especially those jumping photo

Though the resort is not a Star-graded one, but at least a place for us to gather. Back to Jusco tebrau, we watched the The Warlords (投名状) together.. have been how long that we never tried to watch movie in a big gang?! and.. I cried over a few scences.. really a worth watching movie..

A tiring yet contented weekend with the old buddies, great laugh man!!! I finally rest at 2am after a big jam in perling and causeway. Came to office today with pening kepala, looking at the pile of works…


Monday, December 10, 2007


这天要到台湾的北海岸线, 去那里看大自然著作下的景观.

先介绍一下个人最爱的早餐, 就是蛋饼加热红茶. Cheese蛋饼, 火腿蛋饼, 香肠蛋饼种类很多, 普通的早餐料理店或档口就是卖蛋饼, 三文汁, 豆浆之类的. 红茶从没喝过热的, 现在是回味无穷.

9点钟来到国道客运总站, 向国光买了到金山的票 (NT92, 发车时间每20分钟一趟), 约70分钟的车程, 于野柳下车. 沿路可以看见海峡与台湾北部的海岸线. 我们的所在地是个高地, 必须沿着路旁一条小道向下走. 往下走后看见的是渔港, 渔船很有规律的在港边摆荡, 一股远离城市喧嚣的舒服感油然而生. 这里不是旅游巴士的路经之地, 所以没有大招牌指引我们, 这样很好, 原有的环境却不因观光区而商业化起来. 向几个闲聊的阿嬷问了路, 就饶过渔港向对面的方向走. 过了保安宫, 看到了很多旅游巴士, 对面的海鲜餐馆殷勤的邀您入座.

野柳风景区是一个从海岸边延伸出去的沙岩区, 经风化海蚀与地壳运动后的岩石形成了各种奇特的景观. 人气明星就是颈部日趋变小的女王头, 仙女鞋, 烛台石. 缴了NT50的入门票, 沿着路走进全长1700公尺的岩岬, 隔壁不远的海洋公园正播放热情奔放的音乐, 和这里海浪澎湃的沙岩区形成对比. 挨近女王头, 必须找到Right angle, 确实像个高贵的女王, 孤傲地远视前方. 这天早上没有太阳, 海风呼呼吹得很感冒. 本想尽量走到岩岬末端, 从介绍册看来末端还有二十四孝岩可看, 但越走越远后就没有很好的铺设路可以走了, 而且感觉海浪就在咫尺, 风很大, 有点怕就倒回头了. 总得来说, 整个地质公园维护的很好, 我们才有机会在经万年后的今天, 欣赏大自然的杰作. 若待它日消失, 也是因为日趋的海蚀, 而不是今日的人为破坏.

午餐很道地, 在港边的街上, 走进一家小吃馆. 第一次吃沙茶板面, 好吃得很!! 看看别桌子都在喝汤, 也跟老板娘要了一小锅. 蚵仔汤, 只用姜丝和葱花调味, 新鲜嫩嫩的蚵仔, 吃得非常鲜甜美味.一路回到之前下车的地方, 误信便利店的老板娘, 以为到金山会有更多公车可转去淡水. 结果嘞, 约15分钟到了金山, 也就一部淡水客运,而且在野柳就可以搭了啦. 时间关系, 得在太阳落幕前到渔人码头! NT100的车资, 一小时的车程, 换来的是一路上的海景(有点像Great Ocean Road) 然后是疲惫之后的小睡.

淡水站, 仿佛是红砖砌成的建筑. 老街非常热闹, 一条街一直往下走, 看到 “阿婆铁蛋”的店后往左走进巷子, 来到搭船往渔人码头的地方啦. 浪花卷起, 老街渐渐远离, 不多久, 白色尖角的情人桥渐渐趋进. 在码头甲板上静静的享受落日的余辉. 入夜的情人桥更添浪漫, 在寒冷的风中, 为爱恋中的人抹上丝丝情意.

淡水有名的就是鱼酥和铁蛋. 在之前说到的“阿婆铁蛋”店买了5包各NT50的鱼酥, 往回走后, 发现其他店标着买5送1 (价钱牌子一样的咯!), 真是百密一疏, 在百家争鸣中也没赚到便宜! 吹了那么多的冷风, 喝上一碗阿给鱼丸汤, 真是满足饱暖啊!! 其它景点如红毛城, 龙山寺等就时间关系没办法去咯.

这晚约好和两位朋友到主题餐厅五角船板晚餐. 豫婷和琳慧是在中学时期, 通过阿牛留言版认识的网友, 陆续联络至今, 初初见面, 多多指教. 说不完的话题, 也稍微留意这艺术洋溢的餐厅. 水池中独奏小提琴的男生, 倍感寂寞. 饭后晃到美丽华, 抬头望望青青大轮美丽华摩天轮. 觉得啊, 当年贪玩之余, 也有幸认识了一些有意思的朋友, 不同背景更碰出不同的火花. 初到贵境, 多谢照顾哪.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


接下来台北的3天都会住在西门町. 在出发前上网寻找饭店时, 就发现台湾的饭店网页做的很专业, 所有资料都很详尽, 照片都介绍的很漂亮. 饭店都会注明预订饭店3天后必需缴定金. 但对于外国游客, 都是以互相信任来保留房间, 那费用就当天再缴就可以了. 建议网上定房后, 再在住宿几天前电话确定. 西门町的饭店比较popular, 还有提供休息服务, 所以再次确定到达时间较安全.

我们都有一个习惯, 就是喜欢先走走看看, 熟悉整个地理环境. 我们先到台北车站对面的国道客运总站询问野柳的车票与时间, 就怕有开车的时间表. 走回台北车站, 看见了大大的 “怀宁饭店”招牌, 是我们在台北的last accommodation.

台北火车站靠西3出口, 有一间很有意思的店. 发起人因为喜欢火车, 喜欢铁道, 创作了许多关于铁道之类的纪念品. 我在这里看见了木质明信片, 是人气商品, 店长还贴了告示: “不要问了, 真的可以寄!” . 店外准备了很多盖章, 选了两个明信片, 就加入盖章行列咯! 店长有代寄服务, 把地址写好, 要寄到东南亚, 店长跟我收了两个明信片共60元的邮票费. 台湾回来后, 终于收到了, 看了邮票, 结果一个明信片只要两张12元的邮票叻!

白天里有太阳的台北感觉蛮温暖的, 可是台北女生都穿得很东京. 虽然不冷, 但身上的冬装是一应俱全, 美~到我也很想买几件外套! 不行, 今天才第一天, 不能那么败家.. 我忍..

中正纪念堂是个大广场, 一个超大的 “大中至正”的牌坊, 大意盎然的守卫着正前方的纪念堂, 左右坐拥音乐厅与戏剧厅. 这时候的中正纪念堂都在维修当中, 安全网遮盖了建筑外观, 少了原有的气势. 中正纪念堂的展览馆存放着许多蒋介石的文物, 述说着蒋公一生的辉煌事迹. 一个历史知识的殿堂, 竟然不收费的, 营运成本哪里来?

磨了一大半下午, 得赶紧到别地方去了, 11月的台北, 下午4点多就不大见太阳. 因为这样, 觉得每天都过得太快! 到了国父纪念馆, 还赶的上5点钟的交兵仪式. 问几位当地人都不知道这仪式在哪里!! 最后还是问保安咯! 就在纪念馆的正前厅, 有一个很大的孙中山铜像高高坐立着, 左右两旁站着一位宪兵守卫着. 5点钟就是这两位人兄换班的时候啦. 上下接班的宪兵会耍枪, 步操还有敬礼. 蛮特别的, 体现国人对国父的崇高敬意.

从国父纪念馆可以看见台北101. 步行过去, 经过市政府大厦, 短短10分钟, 天很快就暗下来. 在交通灯前碰见5个娃娃, 2008北京奥运的 “北京欢迎您”. 台北101亮着蓝色的灯, 抬头看, 又怎样呢? 好吧, 你是世界第一, 过不久你就要被打败了, Dubai Tower将会比你高哦.. 又怎样呢? 我也只能俯首看着你. 还好还有个经典LOVE icon给我们照像.

今晚就在华纳威秀看色戒, 对面的新光三越周年庆打着折, 走走而已, 没有花钱啦! 本来嫌戏票贵不想看的, 但既然都来了. 3个小时后从影院出来, 有小小的后悔.. 我想ah dear也是看得不太懂的咯!

近午夜12点的信义商圈还很热闹. 两个人很假厉害的想自己走到市政府站, 以为捷运站就在市政府大厦下面(this is Singapore theory吗?), 过了几条街, 屁啦, 人影都没有, 就连街上的车也少的可怜. 19度的午夜, 风刮着地上的落叶唰唰响. 果然, 兜了一圈, 市政府站的入口竟然在远处一个建筑工地后面.. 谁~知道啊! 这么冷清的市政府区却有两个迷途的人.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

台湾! 我来啦~~


先介绍一下. 8天7夜台湾游, 14/11/07 ~ 21/11/07.
新加坡 - 台北4天 - 日月潭2天 - 台北1天 - 新加坡
8天说长不长, 说短不短, 并没有环岛走透透, 就选了近台中的日月潭. 留点遗憾, 其他地方就留给下次的旅程咯.

相隔一天, 又跟Jestar see you again了. 下午1点10分的班机, 估计5点40分抵达台湾. 4个小时后, 从小窗看出去, 是一条没有终点的橙黄平行线, 在这浩瀚的云层上, 我们仿佛才是静止的, 静静的感受太阳瞬间的落幕, 让平行线一点一点的缩小, 让灰蒙覆盖橙黄.

桃园中正机场(CKS Airport)在这时候并不繁忙, 入境厅只有我们的班机搭客, 不多时间就办好手续入境了. 走到游客中心, 拿了些资料, 顺便申请了青年旅游卡. 虽然没什么用的着, 就留个纪念. 注意哦, 所谓的青年, 就仅限至30岁.嘻, 还不老, 还不老. 走向 “市区巴士”, 向国光客运买了往台北车站的票 (NT125), 步出机场, 仅6点多天色已很暗, 冷风擞擞地吹来… hey, Welcome to Taiwan ~

一路上的桃园好暗, 没能看见什么, 一小时后, 窗外景色开始绚丽, 五彩招牌让人目不暇接, 是台北了. 远远看见 “台-北-车-站” 安稳地靠在一栋建筑物顶端, 那就是我们接下来8天台湾行的起点了.

走进台北车站, 偌大的厅人来人往, 台北车站是火车站, 我们还得跟着指示牌往underground的台北捷运站前进. 指示牌有够多, 真的要认清走好, underground的世界真的四通八达, 一个不小心, 会走错出口的咯! 买了NT500悠游卡(same as Sg Eazylink card), 企图老马识图的融入人群中, 但是身上的大包包还是掩饰不了自己是观光客. 而且老是笨拙地站在电梯左边, 台湾是和新马反方向的咯. 贴心哪, 捷运站还设有夜间妇女等候区.

由于往日月潭的行程编排在星期天, 担心车票问题, 我们就直接到忠孝复兴站附近的丰荣客运. 从出口出来, 天啊~ 东南西北往哪个方向啊? SOGO百货, 十字路口怎么看哪个方向都有可能, 只有地址没有图标, 还是问保安员最快捷. 丰荣客运是唯一提供每小时一趟往日月潭的客运, 来回票NT900. 搞定车票后, 就往旅馆check in.

以上是连环图。。请自行参考内容 ^_^

第一晚的住宿选择了Steffi大力推荐的凯微精品旅馆, 真的很不错哪! 虽然从捷运站(双连)要步行10分钟, 地点也不是在景点区, 但真的不错啦. 之后到最近的士林夜市, 这个夜市不是在士林站下车哦, 而是在之前的剑潭站. 剑潭站有个特色, 就是建筑外观是一个龙舟, 你注意了吗?

已经9点多, 本应很饿, 但食欲so so. 士林这个夜市有室内和户外的woh. 逛逛夜市, 成衣店, 抓抓乐店, 小吃店, 小地摊热热闹闹.东吃西吃的如像鱼翅汤的螃蟹羹, 油饭, 又贵又不好吃烤珍珠玉米, 像猪肠粉汤料味的甜不辣 (好吃! 可惜没拍照), 碎碎肉的卤肉饭, 不敢恭唯的生炒花枝, 酸酸甜甜的莓蓝汁.. 小兵立大功, 乱吃一通也差不多饱, 这些小兵花费也得NT400呢!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


只有遇过落跑的工人, 没想到会有落跑的Engineer!

来自P国的新同事, 上班只有3个星期. Friday拿了薪水, Saturday上班的时候就有人说一个P国同事昨晚收拾行李, 走了! (oh.. 我的公司有提供Stay-in住宿, 就在site office 隔壁). 怎么会这样哪? 明明也是一个大学毕业生啊, 怎么可以就这样落跑?一声也不交代?而且还听说冒签经理签名的leave form.竟然搞到去警局报案来总结. 奇奇怪怪的事常常发生在这个pattern很多的office.


Perling桥的工程开始在关键期了是不是? 最近晚上开始道路关闭到只有一个车道. Saturday回家竟然一路从tampoi之前塞到perling.一路上还一直很戏剧化的救伤车经过, 有几辆挡在路中抛锚的车子. 本小姐不是车神, 只能适时的串来串去. 远远一直看着Perling exit 前挂着蓝色大布条的building, 嘴里唠叨着“关卡要到了”. U-turn 的弯桥下架着很多的scaffoldings, 看起来很象一扇紧闭的大门突然开了一个小出口, 一辆一辆的车迫不及待, 争先恐后的要逃离. 很累咯, 尤其是右脚踝. 下次我会选择走KL的highway.

车子越来越多, 花在车程上的时间越来越长.

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