Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Are men exempted from paperwork?

Works are always divert to me when
They are busy….”
They don’t know English…”
They are not organized with the paperwork….”

WTH !!!

They, as mentioned above, are those foreign employed Engineers okay!

Do you have Managers that work without Computers & free from paperwork? – I DO
Do you have Managers that can’t communicate & write in English? – I DO
Do you have Managers that do not have the Cert from your field/industry? – I DO

WTH !!!

Puzzled why they still can be manager? Well.. you gotta be either relatives or perform your loyalty to the company for 10 years..

Be a lady civil engineer is never a good life.. Be a lady civil engineer in such company.. is more pai mia ~ Engineer, Librarian, Clerk, Technician, Pantry Maid, Lunch coordinator.. tong tong bao ga liao ~

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Donut Factory

让人为之疯狂的Donut Factory, 昨天来到我家

Suntec City买, 排了30分钟的队
比Raffles City的要短很多
买了12个, 花费$11
如果只想买1, 2 个, 还有一个较短的Q

凡事自个儿尝过了, 才好下定论
人家生意做的红, 做的好
不管怎样, 吃一回就知道了咯!

甜甜圈, 听起来就浪漫
甜.. 甜… 甜!!
刚出炉的, 陷里的巧克力还是热呼呼的

喜欢Orange white chocolate & double chocolate

以后, 应该只有在嘴痒或没人排队时才买吧!

Donut Factory - a doughnut chains in Singapore that enjoyed a rapturous receiption when it opened early this year. You may need to queue up to 3 hours to get your pick from the 15 flavours of sugary doughnut..... [ Uniquely Singapore ]

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

天阴阴, 凉风习习

难得"秋"高气爽, 没有太阳


拿起相机.. 去院里逛逛









Sunday, July 22, 2007


从别人的blog link 到另一个 link.. 结果发现那些电视主播的blog, 比如黄志豪, 吕诗琳, 董素华, 徐赟羚,久违的欧菁仙..

为什么会说意外发现? 因为我竟然在董素华的blog里看到彤韵的照片.. 发现她去了苏格兰. 其实认识彤韵也不深, 那一年她戴着宽中第一位的光环踏进了NTU的大众传播系.. 在后来几个中文学会的活动和她接触过, 交情不是很深. 但是在别人的Blog里看到久违的朋友消息.. 心里是有点莫名的感触地..

平时有看933DJ丁志勇的blog, 真的是红到爆. Crez的笔锋很有娱乐性.. 但最近的"二姑" , 看了心很酸..

走下主播台, 他们也和大家一样有自己的世界.. 博客.. 大家都有喔!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Finale

The series finale Harry Potter 7th “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows” was officially launched worldwide this morning (2301 at Britan, Friday). I have seen lots of students reading the books at Jurong East MRT this morning!!

Everyone eager to know, which character will die in the end?

From ChannelNewsAsia:
“An AFP correspondent who received an early copy of the 607-page book said that Harry kills evil Lord Voldemort, his nemesis. One of Harry's teachers also dies.”

But according to JK Rowling, she mentioned that the ending would be out of surprise. Earlier I would guess the one who dies would be Hermione..

The final sentence of the book is spoken by Harry: "I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."

“Rowling, who wrote the first Potter book as a single mother receiving state benefits, has made an estimated one billion dollars (725 million euros) from the works and is now richer than Queen Elizabeth II.”


Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm sorry, R

I felt so sad early in the morning

Mesh supplier called me up to highlight a mistake drawn in the drawing then I was jus playfully said to R , “oh.. the supplier also check our mistake..”

Oh no.. the moment he heard it , he was so piss off of the word “mistake” and scolded me
“hey, Yitchie, the way you u said I can’t accept, it’s like shooting to me”

OMG.. immediately I said sorry & sorry.. but R continue to grumble
“If I let you draw, can you draw?” --- "No"
“Last time you draw Screen Wall, did you check?” --- "No"
“so wat if it’s a mistake? We can settle it! I think I better let you check the drawing”

I understand how he feels.. under pressure from the boss and maincon.. I’m really sorry for using the word “mistake” and I shouldn’t express in that way. But what I’m upset was, he brought up the screen wall drawing.. oh man.. that was when I start learning autocard, I was told to help another colleague to make the layout nicer in the end kena sabotage to be the drafter. What else can I say? He remembered that and used that to counter shoot me? Oh come on.. speechless.. Is he using this chance to say it loud to his other drafting fellows? To let everyone understand.. Whoever draw, must check his own work !! I’m not in drafting department but then end up like this..

I apologized for what I said but your words hurt me too. My heart was so chilling when he raised the voice.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sioyean Wedding cum gathering 14/07/07

Alrite.. alrite I’m late.. but I didn’t waste any time and still manage to reach before 8pm phewww ~~ It’s that stupid traffic at Perling (right after 2nd link) took up my 20 mins okay ~~

Never seen Sioyean after Foonyew gua? Or maybe met once or twice when he visits NTU? Ha.. I’m puzzled why he invite me, anywhere, 共襄胜举.. why not?

Sioyean not consider my gang of frds.. therefore.. those invited are seldom keep in contact too.. it’s a good chance to meet those “long time no see” frds.. ya, instead of “long time no see, how are you?” .. I can’t find any topic to carry on.. WOHAHA.. not like JJ >>>> anything, anyone also can TALKKK ~~

The wedding held at 五福北京城.. my 2nd wedding dinner over there within 6 mths. I like the stage background, simple and nice. The Yum-Cheng session.. let’s congrate the newly wed !! paisey.. photo very small.. I’m taking this photo from the last row of table where we sat..

The first wedding dinner that stay till the last, for a Group photo for 3 tables of us, must be a very memorable photo.. wonder will I have one as well on my day?

The mostly MIB table.. 真是有型啊..

Monday, July 16, 2007

the way ahead..

Continued from previous post...

Sometimes I may just grumble too much on the works and never heed advice from others. Once a while getting advice from others may just gave me another point of view. When we are jus too focus on our mind, the thinking is always narrow and limited, a wiser or an outsider may give a broader advice.

Appreciate an uncle cum colleague, what he told me was..
“My dear, if you wan to change, change bcos of a better offer & opportunity, don’t change bcos you are tired or fed up with the work”
“when everyone relies on you, it shows your importancy”

Appreciate james who told me that..
“If your GM put many tasks to let you do, it is because they know you can do the job”

Ha.. at least I feel happier when I heard the above. It twists my upset mood into a regardful mood.

However, whenever I think of my hourly rate, the calculation is like
Mine = fix salary / 26 days / 11 hrs daily
Common = fix salary / 22 days / 9 hrs daily

Let’s say fix salary = $3000. Then I will be getting $10.5/hr while others are getting $15/hr. That’s KNS !!!!!!! Though same salary but I’m considered as cheap labour rite? Errrbbb…. Kns x n

Well, well well.. .(sound like Dumbledore?? Oooohh man.. I haven’t catch the movie yet) what I wan to express is.. changing a new company is still an on-going searching for me.. hope the opportunity will come eventually..

Friday, July 13, 2007


An one-mth joined NTU lady engineer last day yesterday and I was told that her new job is in oil-related big company. Maybe nowadays the freshies are aiming high and expect big, therefore small firm like us not easy to employ local graduate. There.. I discuss abt this with him..

What an encouraging dialogue from him…

james says:
Well dear remember
hang hang chu zhuang yuan
It does not matter where you are working
If you are good, you can still stand out in any field
not necessary in big company that give high pay
High pay but can you do it a not?
yiqi : my pc is alive !! says:
yeap. i believe in that too
therefore, i appreciate (my comp) somehow in their way to give me the chance groom myself in this industry lo
james says:
Well in a job there are 2 factors very import
Job satisfaction and value added qualities

Do you feel satisfied after completing a job?
Do you think you are value added to the company?
Is someone big up in the corporate ladder willing to groom you, do they trust you very much?
james says:
If let say your GM or director willing to groom you and put many tasks to let you do, it is because they know you can do the job
james says:
The trust is very important
With a boss trust, you can do things very smoothly
yiqi : my pc is alive !! says:
think that's the only advantage of myself in this company

james says:
But it the strongest advantage that one cant find in the other company le, dear
yiqi : my pc is alive !! says:
so i continue to stay even though long working hours, bad environment and some uncooperative colleagues

james says:
Even you in big company and performing well, you are just a performer smwhere below the corporate ladder, the one above you will get the credit
You may get a good pay but your effort is not directly being recognized
Even big company also suffer being sacked, all managers in big company also sacked
james says:
In big company, manager is just somehwere in the middle of corporate ladder
but you are different, maybe as RH or LH man to the GM
If you do anything wrong, your MD or GM will definitely protect you with all their power
You are protected by them and your career will one day move up but not down
It may be a short cut to success
james says:
So dear make use of this special and most powerful advantage to advance
you will make it great
yiqi : my pc is alive !! says:
so u think i should continue stay in this company?

james says:
ermm you shld evaluate it year after year
See how yr superior groom you to do more important things
Try to learn things that you do not know
When you start to learn management stuffs, then it the beginning of your corporate life
But do management is different
That why ppl always say if you remain an engineer, you will never get rich
That why many engineer taking MBA, a few years engineering experience is enough experience

~~ to be continued in next post

Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Skin 初登场 ~~

Dang DaNG Dang dANGG ~~

换个新装.. 换个心情

J, 我终于找到东西消遣了! 哈...

夜了.. 明天再改进!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rakancop Johor

托黄爸的福, 时常可以去吃餐宴. 是什么宴.. 有时也不知道, 就是去吃就对了.

上星期六去吃的, 是马华党庆宴. 当然, 对我来说不重要.. 被叫到就去吃, 不要问酱多.

台上的议员, 党员滔滔不绝地歌颂着他们的政治事迹与社会贡献, 台下的食客吃的津津有味. 说的是什么? 没听清楚.. 只知道高亢的嗓音透过喇叭, 大到要把我的耳膜撑破! 吃的真不是滋味...

看看台上的banner, 马华党庆58周年, 国庆50周年. 就是说马华的成立比马来西亚的独立还早了8年, 那些奋勇争取国家独立的先驱.. 就是当时的马华吗? 除了马华政党, 还有中华公会, 政府议员也有蛮多是华人, 其实其他的.. 我是一知半解.. 会不会太不应该har?

心里头忽然有个小疑问.. 那个十万火急拼治安的.. 是不是又不了了之了? 所谓的嫌犯被证实没有? 那晚的餐宴, 桌上放了这样的卡片.. 跟大家分享一下. 晚上从2nd link驾着车回来新加坡, 感觉还是有点怕怕地. 我和妹.. 还分别把所谓的HOT LINE set 进电话里.. share it with you all ..

Monday, July 9, 2007

met a frd again

this time not mrt station, not shopping mall, not tourist attraction lo..

just right in front of the house lo !! piang... Impian Emas really got lots of frds staying yet I don't know at all one... time to feed ah pa's KOI but then saw ShanShan passby the gate with her hubby & 8 mths old baby gal.

OOohh ~~ the little baby gal is so cute!! big clear eyes keep staring at me without any fear and shynesss.. what a lovely little family.. well.. that's the life i'm wishing for at this moment. A little sweet family with him. ^_^

Sunday, July 8, 2007

New 7 Wonders

The new 7 wonders of the world were announced officially during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on 07.07.07. The 7 wonders of the ancient world were mainly destructed by earthquake and left alone with Taj Mahal and Giza Pyramid. Therefore, new list of 7 wonders was proposed and vote by the world.

Here go the winners:

1. China – Great Wall
Jordan – Petra
3. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Christ the Redeemer
4. Cuzco, Peru – Machu Ricchu
5. Yucatán, Mexico – Chichén Itzá
Rome, Italy – Colosseum
7. Agra, India – Taj Mahal
Cairo, Egypt – Great Pyramid Giza (Honorary Candidate)

1. 中国 - 万里长城
2. 约旦- 佩特拉古城
3. 巴西里约热内卢 - 基督像
4. 秘鲁 - 马丘比丘
5. 墨西哥尤卡坦 - 奇琴伊察金字塔
6. 意大利罗马 - 罗马竞技场
7. 印度- 泰姬陵
8. 埃及- 吉萨金字塔

Saturday, July 7, 2007


== today the whole world is having wedding, the most popular day to say "I do", both westhern & oriental.. in Singapore itself have 772 pairs exchanged the rings! Ha.. Congrate xiaoyuan for his wedding today!! see you next saturday ~~

== Live Earth! the biggest global events of the year, 24 hours of music concert across 7 continents to bring us the attention of global warming and climate change. We are encourage to wear Green over the weekend. Woah.. that's fast.. Live Earth in wikipedia is up too ~~

== never can forget.. happy birthday to you .. Aaron

Jus wan to mark this date.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

for you my dear friend...

words can't express my feeling now..

Be strong .. my dear jie mei

Monday, July 2, 2007


这样的Title.. 觉得有点感慨吧?

2007 下半年了

... 自本部落格1月于Union Bar开堀以来, 受着大家的爱戴与分享, 让这里充满温情欢笑& 泪水与共.. 本人感激不尽 :)

.... 自3月间..那沸沸腾腾的proposal之后.. 没有了后续. 很抱歉.. 我们太不积极了.. 谢谢大家的关心与催促.. 我们还是很好.. 计划还是会进行.. 只是有点懊恼, $$到底要存多少?注册-房子-酒席.. 次序应该怎样才最好? M'sian + S'porean 不是这么容易两全其美地.. 希望日子&计划在2008年到来前敲定ok dear?

... 那阵子虽然踏出了一步.. 开始找工作.. 但是没有人给我confirm的回复.. 让我一下燃起的积极又灭了. 都下半年了.. 会不会因为"再熬几个月就有bonus,不要浪费了"这种烂借口又不找了neh?我不知道.. 现在的心情是--> 不换也无所谓. 在看机会吧...

... 总算实现一趟搭飞机出国的旅行.. 真好, 世界美丽的地方太多, 有多少机会能够亲眼所见, 亲身体验啊?下半年.. 我想去Tasmania找肥婆!! 你最好乖乖地等我, 不去白不去...呵呵

过得不顺利地.. 祝你心想事成
过得不如意地.. 祝你好运当头
过得昏厄地... 是时候振作清醒咯
过得烦恼地... 2008很快会到来.. 你不是要继续烦恼吧??
过的再好不过得.. 你就好咯!!

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