Monday, October 29, 2007

我的on leave notice


工作永远没有完,新的一直进来,压力很大,很有可能Clear不了了。另一边一直在看接下来远行的资料。电脑画面不断切换,脑细胞还跟不上我不断open new tab的速度,开始恍惚。




Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Huat Ah !!

I didn't buy. But he won, my mum too. Number come out zhun zhun, Huat ah !! not too much.. just nice for the coming air tickets ~~ kekeke "跑车"吐气扬眉啦~ 知道主人刚花钱, 特来送金啦~~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


之前有个想法要拿个长假, 思考了很久. 担心理由不充足, 公司不批等, 一直没有把日子订下来. 但心里有个谱, 就在11月吧. 后来, JX给了个建议, 其实没考虑很多, 爽快的答应下来. 就这样, 把06/11/07填在FROM的空格里, 不过一直犹豫到底应该用17/11/07 或 24/11/07来结束. 思考下, 必须认清请假的真正目的, 太短的话, 改变也许不多, 死就死吧!! 管它有薪还是无薪假期, 干脆3个礼拜, 改变应该会很多吧!!

填了申请, 给谁批好呢? 拿给R (同部门的经理, 但又不是给我工作的人), 当然不敢签. 拿给JA (不同部门的经理, 但却给我最多工作的人), 一张惊讶的表情 (难道我不能on leave 吗?), 开口来一句费的“嘩, 用3个礼拜来interview?” 然后“你问过老板没有?”. 我很纳闷, 这就是问题, 到底是under哪个经理啊?? 难道是跳过经理, 直属老板?!?! 你们都搞不清楚, 现在就让你们搞清楚点!! 结果还不是要先问老板!

就如所料, 老板不知道A,B,C 经理个别交代我做什么工, 却claim that她自己就只给我一小部分的工. 你们要吵就去吵. 至少我的目的有点见效. 基本上, leave是approved了, 但却要submit一个work list. 既然你们选择遗忘, 选择忽略, 那就靠我来提醒你们. Work list 交上去了, 就等着看你们怎么去distribute了. 眼看成功了一半, 真希望把工作都丢出去, 我可扛不了这么多.

并不是高估自己, 也不削那所谓的important key person. 再这样谁人都可以把大小啦杂工作丢给我, 那将是一个无底洞, 我要改变现状, 让自己好过点, 让其他同事分担多点...

其实拿个假没什么大不了, 其他中国, 菲律宾同事一拿就是一个半月的, 我有和不可? 难道我就不能用回国来当理由吗?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

改变~ 该变!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


8月中的龙虾行因为雨天加上某些因素, 结果绕回来了..

这次是黄爸请客, 星期六请了假, 来趟family outing ~

从Ulu Tiram到Desaru, 大概80多公里. 从desaru到Sg Rengit(四湾)还要20多公里. 大约1个半至2小时, 罗里卡车多外加单行车道, 驱车要多加小心.

往Desaru和四湾的路上, 都是一大片绿油油的油棕园

边佳兰鱼船码头 (Pengerang Pier)

传说中的上汤龙虾, 肉汁鲜甜. 还有第一次吃的竹滩, 口感象鲍笋.

为何这家店那么有名? 当天店里的桌子都备用当晚的喜宴,我们只能搭桌子在店外走廊, 连当地人也重本潇洒的来个海鲜宴, 非富则贵. 为何那么多新加坡食客? 因为这店曾被欽点而上节目.

Address: 54,jalan kerisi sg rengit 81620 pengerang johor. Phone: 07-8265460/fax 078266460 Directions from Sg: u can go sungai rengit by boat from changi(singapore) to pengerang pier,there got taxi.. or u can go by ferry from tanah merah(singapore) or u can go by car.u will reach the crossroads then turn left n u will see the restaurant at ur left side..

Monday, October 15, 2007

HERO is coming!!

Soooo happy to see the HERO posters at MRT, YES.. the movie will be released in Sg on 22 Nov 2007 ~~

Bought this drama series in 2001 and really love the characters in the shows. Kuryu san (Takuya Kimura) is a prosecutor in Tokyo but never have proper suit & tie, usually shirts & jeans with the trademark orange coat, makes an interesting contrast to his dull-but-funny fellow colleagues. Kuryu san has the witty mind and an unexpected approach in getting all the truth and the colleagues found themselves infected by his unconventational work style and turn to be as passionate as him!

Recently, I watched the 2-hr special edition that produced last year. Kuryu san was transferred to a town and happens to investigate a murder case. I’m surprised the see the killer was also casting in this coming movie! Eem.. this would prove that this 2-hr special is the preview of the coming movie! This time, Kuryu san is transferred back to Tokyo!

22 Nov 2007, make a date with Takuya Kimura, Matsu Takako and South Korean heart-throb Lee Byung-hun!!

I'm a bit 哈日nowadays.. Gomenasai ~ ~ Here's the Japanese Official Website.. Click the Trailer for preview !! other website can check out == here ==

Thursday, October 11, 2007


昨天真的有去麻布茶房吃哦. 目的是欢迎T小姐出走回来. 本来就只有4人聚的小晚餐, T小姐竟然还在公司无法脱身, 结果要出现的都不能出现!! 可是这3人就是不可以安安份份的3人行. 有点hiao, 在地铁站小聚马尔代夫归来的艾尔文, 在suntec顺路pass东西的阿zap.. 招兵买马着, 就这样, we need a table for 8 !!! 人忽然很多酱. 就是hiao… 就是要众乐乐.

最近空气中一直弥漫着幸福的色彩. 10月5日, the lady in purple出阁啦~ 一桌子就我们4个是hall mates, 缺了远在US的Pam, 其他WSC的朋友听了也觉得不可思意吧! 欣欣, 妳很漂亮哦. 老公整场一直给妳提裙尾哦, 很体贴哪! 要幸福.

求婚的求婚, 买房子的买房子, 看房子的看房子. 竟然, 大家的话题开始成熟起来了. 不得不承认, 从10几年前一起走的步伐, 渐渐要迈入另一个里程碑了. 过去10年, 应该是人生中变化就大, 也最丰富的10年吧. 每个人都一样, 学业的结束, 工作的开始, 家庭的计划. 还有3年, 不能想象自己将要开始30以上的年龄层啊!

结婚到底是时尚列车吗? 爱情长跑也许太浪费时间, 爱情短跑也许风浪指数还累计的不够. 想法因人而异. 不过, 双方都是以幸福为目标, 于承诺为后遁来迎接未来, 不是吗? 脚步快或慢, 只要幸福就好啊 ~


1) 请问小姐有买时尚精品的习惯吗?
2) 请问小姐是逛精品店或百货商场?
3) 请问小姐是注重价格或品牌?
4) 请问小姐会担心买到仿冒品吗?

然后是... 为了答谢我的支持, 将赠于VIP礼券一张
接下来... 要个人资料了
没好气的答年龄层, 工作之类的
问到名字时.. 就克拉把电话挂了
竟然........ 穷追不舍, 连续再拨4通来

够了ho!! 我已经给你机会敷衍你几分钟了 ok ~

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

who u think u are?

H has been back for 3 weeks n I have been wondering wat is his actual work scope. Get quite fed up when I see him cycling ard n bossy ard, acting like a senior to other colleagues. Maybe u has the capability to be a senior, then show it in yr work!

Returned after a yr of master cert yet no specific job scope.. everyday sit there as if very busy in coordinating which components are ready for delivery… following the managers meeting with supervisors. If you are holding the same title as me, I’m really unhappy that you are not sharing my works at all! We crown u as the godson of manager n u really enjoying such treatment/pampering?

I really got an urge to ask my boss wat’s this H’s work scope!! But J advice me better don’t ask this kind of sensitive question to management. “the management should have a reason to employ a staff, n u can’t question like that” okay.. fine

Everyone of u knows how to pass the task to me but whenever I say I can’t cope with the load yet no superior can solve this problem for me! Managers should be the one dedicate the task to the suitable staff rite? Y keep shooting to me while others enjoying much of their time?

Had an idea to save myself out from this mess. Think of applying a one month unpaid leave… to make you all seriously look at my work list and how /who shall I handover /passdown. They r not junior anymore, pls don’t use such silly excuse of “they are not experience……….” .. time for other colleagues to handle their stuff independently too.. I can only exempt/free/share the work loads when I'm not ard.. one mth is jus nice for whoever to familiar with and handle the work

Is this a good attempt to be better for everyone? I need to be brave enough to voice out and hand my application form…

Thursday, October 4, 2007

春色只有边的<<色, 戒>>

<<色, 戒>> / Lust, Caution is hitting the cineplex today.

1942年抗战时期, 王力宏所饰的爱国青年, 让汤唯所饰的女大学生利用美人计, 刺杀梁朝伟饰演的汗奸. 影片沉重, 震撼, 更艺术. 全片157分钟, 有三场男女主角突破自己, 更让老外叹为观止的性爱场面.

新加坡版本已经被删减成148分钟. 看了预映的媒体说, 被减了的部分, 无法与之后的情节相呼应, 整体无法连贯. 非常可惜.

少了这些具话题性又无可或缺的画面, 你会选择去看新加坡版本吗? 除非, 你不是好色之徒? 不过, 记者也说的对, 演员们要突破多少自身的心理压力, 导演要如何把三场性爱拍成艺术, 我们都无法看到了, 那岂不是辜负, 白费了他们的努力?


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


继上一个post只有数小时, 都还没坐稳hot seat呢, 又赶紧追加一个. 自己难过事小, 毕竟我不想折磨自己太久. 但个性始然, 尽点绵力让别人开心能让我感觉更踏实一点.

当时短短的10天旅行, 拍了很多照片, 还是film相机. 一直把这些珍贵的相片好好收藏在一大本相簿里, 有空就拿出来回味一番. 虽然现在都是数码相片, 也就不过是拍了看了就存档在电脑里, 少了一份亲切感.

这一次, 抽了几张合照, scan了一下, 没有很sharp的quality, 可是就像当年我们所说的, 照片, 是为了留住当时的阳光, 当时的欢笑. 希望这一组花了点心思美化的照片, 能让你开心起来.

那年attachment之后, 乘假期只身飞到澳洲去投靠留学海外的你们. 里应外合, 住宿, day trip很快就搞定. 我的行李, 带了两位小姐的爱心妈妈包裹, 穿着cher出手相借的寒衣, 勇敢地飞往墨尔本.

住她们租的屋子, 去她们逛的supermarket, 是一种体验对方生活的平实感. 每天都会遇到人, 不是很熟的或认识又很久不见的, 从我一下飞机就开始给我惊喜. 行程很紧密, 精彩, 用短短的几天, 和很多朋友聚会, 尤其是悉尼的蓝山之旅, 简直是另一场同学会. 住过住家, 住过赌场大酒店(托Ah pek的福, 免费的), 也住过YHA (Youth Hostel Accommodation), 更踏足每个赌场(也是托Ah pek的福) .. 刺激!!!

美好的回忆, 文字并不能完全表达.
非常怀念... 当年的旅程
感激... 一路上有你们呀!!!!!

看着看着, 真是受不了!! 当时都已经是大学生的我们, 为什么看起来还那么的幼齿??!




离开家只身在外念书, 接着为日子打拼的我们

还好, 眼睛并不肿

Monday, October 1, 2007


There are two basic expenditure INCREASED from today, 1st October 2007 onwards:

1) Electricity tariff for residential users REVISED to 21.38c/kWh (previous 20.52c/kWh)

2) 1-2 cents increase in adult EZ-link card BUS fares.

smart, use "revised".

nothin, jus bear with it.

Japanese food @ The Central

For those who are nihon-craze and nihon gourmet fans, definately The Central @ Clarke Quay will be your favorite choice. Plenty of japanese restaurants are available and ready to serve your taste bud.

Ever watched the Japanese series 蒋太的寿司 and really impressed by the high quality and authentically attitudes on their gourmet. They served the food with the freshiest, marinated with the finest and decorated with elegance. Never fail to stimulate your taste bud once the plates were served right in front of you.

There are a lot of jpn restaurant at level 2 & 3, and there are all being long-queued, the waiting time is at least 45 mins before you can secure a seat. Don’t wish to waste the time on Q-ing, we decided to have the dinner at the Hokkaido Gourmet Experience at ground floor purely becos there’s no Q. Surprisingly, though no Q, it’s full house with lots of reservation tables. We were lead to an empty table but the lady informed us that we only have 1 hr 15mins meal time before the person who reserved the table come. Erb… first time being clocked-the-time during dinner loh.

I was flipping through the menu for more than 10mins as I can’t decide wat to eat. The food was so pricey!! Oh man.. left ard 1hr.. so gan jiong……. Not that too bad, they served the food within 10mins, maybe they have a spacious kitchen with a dozen of chefs?

Itatakimasu ~

We had the tempura soba (cold), unagi don and california sushi roll. Above are normal jpn food with small portion yet the price is comparably high and made me hesitated to further order the sashimi. At first I was considering to get this soya & cheese cake that will be served in a bird-cage (looks like in the photo lei), very unique rite? But I drop the idea cos I’m getting another dessert later somewhere else. Next time I would rather Q longer time for other jpn restaurant.. like Ma Maison (another one at Bugis) or Curry Don.

Hoohoo.. see the long Q at Azabu Sabo (麻布茶房)Hokkaido Ice-cream !!! don’t worry, this Q won’t used up 45 mins.. kekee.. double scope with cone at $5.80, got my flavour of Greentea & Tiramisu. It taste like Gelato, rich milky and strong flavour, smooth but less dense as gelato, feel more like ice-cream paste (糊) and melts fast, that’s the reason to explain why the ice cream can be shape easily like up-side-down cone.

I found that Azabu Sabo (麻布茶房) had opened their outlet in Marina Square last year but didn’t got a chance to try out yet!! Anyone interested? Ikimashio ne ~~~

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