Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sony PSP

男人打game, 可以六亲不认, 可以废寝忘食
我啊, 花钱买气自己受
跟PSP争风吃醋, 真是有辱我的人格

PSP game的层次太高,

Sony PSP Slim & Lite 才刚面世
主机+记忆卡+一个游戏 = $400+
Casing 什么的accessories还没有出

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bandage "fuji apple"

ok, i got to have this bandage for 2 days
nowadays the chinese physician uses the electric-current as therapy woh
it may due to my carelessness when i took the file? the kettle?.. not sure

my boss was outside the office when i came back from bandage
let's see the conversation

boss: wat happen?
me: oh.. i sprain my hand

boss: where? here ar?
me: no la.. somehow, somewhere
(pls la, i won't claim from company la)

boss: wa, like that your bone very brittle, so weak ar, should take more calcium
me: ......... (not even a "be more careful")

Monday, September 24, 2007

祝: 中秋节快乐

你吃了月饼吗? 你赏了灯饰吗?
如果都没.. 那你知不知道

以为这个Mid-autumn Festival by the River会有多么美
也不过是哗众取宠 jé
当我们从clarke quay 望向Central Mall
马上收到一记白眼加dropping jaw咯
“酱罢了? 回家回家啦...”
一拳给你.. parking不用钱啊
比如... Chinese garden?

不过, 最有兴致的应该是auntie
带她出来走走, 怎一个HAPPY了得?

说真的, 一口月饼也没尝到
这样的年龄, 真的对这些节日意兴阑珊了起来
什么800块钱的高级月饼, 真的有病!!
过节罢了.. 有钱真的什么都要high class嚒?

客套话还是要说地 ~~

Monday, September 17, 2007



住在高高的十一楼, 每天打开门的那一瞬间, 一股清晨的沁凉迎上双颊, 暖暖的. 门前是无敌"组屋兼高级公寓"美景, 楼下热闹的汽车巴士引擎声.. 是的, 又是新的一天, 该上班了.


不是每一天都可以看到如此风彩多姿的晚霞. 有时是神秘的紫蓝.. 有时是迷人的粉红.. 有时是灿烂的橙黄. 每一晚都在这里送走日落, 能够看到他美丽的道别, 也许就是给我这个long working hours的小黄.. 一个温暖的安慰吧!


有意思, 这小邓跟我一样, 是个劳动节宝宝. 刚来上班时, 白白净净的, 像个小姑娘. 长的斯斯文文, 但就是烟不离手. 在公司里都叫我 "姐", 这小弟真是有够亲的. 跟姐一样, 不屈于恶势力, 游走于厌人的唠叨边.. 一样精!! 说话够爽快, 老板都喜欢一起绕鸟话, 啼笑皆非. 媳妇好漂亮, 席开两桌, 老板们都赏脸恭贺. 回国好好大摆宴席吧!! 祝你俩永结同心, 幸福美满呀!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

一人一半 - Movie 881


881 ~~ Yo ah Yo ~~ 就是Papaya, 木瓜姐妹, 两个女生因歌台而结缘, 一个身体有病, 一个不被母亲所原谅, 却因为喜欢唱歌而一直在为梦想努力着.

这是一部有笑也有泪的感人故事, 背景很新加坡, 但故事却是国际化的. 大部分是福建歌, 但乐曲是不分国籍的. 有很老土的服装和台词, 也有很夸张的Carnival Costume和Visual Effect. 看歌台, 好像看嘉年华!!

当"一人一半"唱出时, 是片中最赚人热泪的一幕. 看到前排的Auntie在偷偷用纸巾拭泪, 其实自己也好不到哪里去.

记得以前, tissue 扳开两张.. 一人一半, 感情不散~

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cher is back from NZ

When Cher told me she is coming back last month, I had noted down the dates into my calendar. Hm.. day by day passes.. and I supposed she had arrived home by the date. Didn’t make any appointment with her before hand and therefore really no idea when & where we shall meet up. I then made my weekend back to JB to standby her call. Unfortunately, she called before I reached home and I called after she falls asleep. So how? The next day after lunch, called her again but she is busy with her hair salon. By the time we really had our first chat through the phone, it was 10pm at night.. Haa.. trying to ask me out for some tea.. but really can’t dear da jie, I gotta drive back to Sg ya !

ANYWHERE.. after so many dee dee daa daa.. we finally arranged the outing on Tuesday night lah !!! ** phew

Rollingegg chosen the meeting place at Brewerkz, Clarke Quay mainly bccos of their homemade brew of beer. I sent out lots of invitation, the usual gang will always reply me the fastest, other special guests either no reply or can’t make it.

In the end, 8 of us arrived and start ordering the food.. no choice .. the most important guest was late !! Poor thing of her still at home at 6pm, waiting for someone to drive her to Sg!! but that someone was eventually can’t afford to fulfill his kind-ship he offered in the first place.. blek..

The outing was fun still, for those who can't make it, definitely it will be merrier with you around!! The food was so so only, but think u guys enjoy with the beers? Or food?

Shepherd’s Pie, according to source, it should be minced beef covered with mashed potato. But this restaurant is serving the Shepherd’s Pie with chunk chicken or pork (see I can’t remember!!), and taste like (罐头)五香肉丁. Never to mention the mashed potato on top.. you can see it looks like what.. kekeke

Every outing always end with photographing one lah~ photos should post by Cher .. SHE GOT THE CAMERA ~~

Cher end up spend the night at my place after the guys keep saying “JB 酱危险...酱迟廖”. -_-

Ha.. Cher is my 2nd guest after Kitchi. Didn’t chat as late as previous time with kitchi, we both fall asleep quite early .. hiak hiak.. tired ma.. This morning, we see each other off at MRT.. and Cher, I don’t know when is the next time we will meet again yoh.. please do take good care of yrself in NZ ah ~!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Recovering in Progress ...

Abstract from THE STRAITS TIMES on 6th September 2007…
“Even as Singaporeans worry about a dengue epidemic, another infectious disease is on the rise – conjunctivitis, or sore eyes.
Conjunctivitis is fairly common in Singapore. The eye infection is caused by certain strains of bacteria and viruses.”

Never expect to be so heng, I got this eye infection on 6th Sept 07 as well.. gnn..

Have been suffering from fever, flu and headache since last week.. visited clinic for 3 times.. given 2 days for MC. First, I scared myself with second strike of chicken pox, then terrified myself with dengue suspect as the fever on and off. Luckily.. it was a normal flu after doc done the blood pressure for me. Unfortunately.. my eye swell like peach the next morning. Driving me crazy ~~ this time really 剧毒攻心 liao..

With most of the time that staying in the air-conditioned office or transportation, virus are spreading through airborne. They are so insignificant in existence yet so infectious. And .. we are so vulnerable.. Please take good care everyone.

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